A very last minute post.
''sometimes plan, but sometimes wing it''
So welcome to my blog. If your visiting for the first time I hope this won't be your last visit and for those visitors that have been consistent you guys are the best.

Now that we have the formalities out of the way i might as well start talking. So last weekend i had the opportunity of joining a class excursion to some historical sites here in Cyprus. At first I didn't have high expectations cause I had gone for a lot of these excursions in the past that I taught I would have visited most of the places we did eventually go to. I really want to keep this post as short as possible so I promise not to ramble on. I initially had no intention of writing a post concerning this visit which am sure you can tell by how no effort was put into providing better pictures. However, thanks to the Instagram update which allows you to get access to previous stories and that was how I was able to salvage what I used for this post. The first place we visited was the Incirli cave.
Apparently, the formation age for the cave is said to have been 5 million years but what's more interesting is the story of how the cave was found. According to the story, two thieves who stole fruit hid behind the fig tree at the entrance of the cave and whilst they were munching on their fruits one eventually rolled down into the cave and in an attempt to get it back they found the cave. On the other hand, people believe in the myth that the fruits of the fig tree at the entrance of the cave are healing and can heal childless pairs. So you might as well don't want to miss it. Secondly, we visited a place with miniature exhibitions of important buildings here in North Cyprus. I was really excited when i saw the display of a castle I have been to a lot of times. Just seeing what it looked like overall from atop was quite interesting. Lastly we visited Apostolos Andreas Monastery which was where apostle Andrew's (first to be called by Jesus Christ to spread Christianity)boat stopped. So am sure you can tell they were all important and interesting places.
If you have been thinking of where next to spend your next vacation you might want to consider North Cyprus. Apart from the many things you could do it offers a very peaceful environment far from the electromagnetic world. It gives you this feeling of travelling back in time. Anyways, in order not to ramble on that will be it for now. xoxo
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