Failed Attempts.
Normality is a paved road: it's comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow
Vincent Van Gogh.
It's almost the end of another year but looking behind I can't help but realize how many things I failed to archive. I remember how at the beginning of this year I had a conversation with myself about how we had to make the most out of this year. However, it's the month of September already and there's only been little changes if any as compared to how it was last year. I guess am just like almost every other person out there. only a few number of people can beat their chest and claim to have reached or archive more than half of their written-out goal for the year. I don't know about you but in this year alone I have quit blogging twice and this is my third time of starting all over again. Not that I don't feel like blogging but with laziness and procrastination I immediately forget I run a blog only to be reminded about a month later and then having to start all over again and if you know about blogging then you know that consistency is very important. I guess that's one of the things that make us relate-able as human beings at first, we decide to do something and we go all into it only for after a while to get distracted by something else and then we forget for a while what we were supposed to do.
Apart from blogging I have had other fails this year. I failed to read all the books I had lined up for the year. In-fact I barely completed one and is still on the other one. I also decided to try gardening for the first time this year but none of my seeds germinated I still don't know where I went wrong on that one because I abandoned the whole thing out of frustration. Also, I had attended clothing design class within the break I had before starting university and I actually purchased my machine at the beginning of this year but I still wasn't able to complete any of the projects I started. I can probably guess what's going through your minds right now ''ah she must be very lazy'' or ''finally, there is someone I can relate to''. Honestly, I also think of myself as lazy and it's a cycle I really want out of my life. I recently started watching a you-tuber called shamelessly Maya who started YouTube by challenging herself to shamelessly promote herself for one year and see the outcome. Of course, the outcome was good which has gotten her to where she is today. It's also a challenge I have decided to do.
So, on this day, which is the 9th of September 2017 I have decided to not let all the failures and setbacks I have experienced bring me down but instead as of today to shamelessly pursue what I love and am interested in and see where it all leads me. Can't wait to see what awaits we at the end. 😃
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